Information About Trojan Horses


Friends, Now im sharing an information about Trojan Horse . It is actually a spy virus. Like original Trojan horse. It capture our all details from computer and send it to owners. Some antivirus have feature to detect Trojan. It actually created by antivirus developer, International security guards and from hackers, You can check  it s availability on your system by using Antivirus. Use updated ones.  

Information About Trojan Horses (Internet Explora)


A Trojan horse is a remote administration tool(RAT). This is some thing extremely dangerous. A Trojan gives the full control of victim's PC to the attacker.A Trojan has two parts . One is client part (Control Panel)and other is server part(meant to be sent to victim).

The basic methodology of using a Trojan is as follows

  • Attacker creates an executable file of size in kbs. This is server part of Trojan and mostly called as server.exe
  • Attacker might hide this server.exe behind any genuine file like a song or image. Attacker gives this file to victim and victim is supposed to double click on it.
  • As victim run that server part , a proton victim's computer gets opened and attacker can control his PC sitting remotely in any part of the world through the control panel(client part).
    Attacker can do anything with victim's computer remotely that victim himself can do on his computer.



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Information About Trojan Horses Information About Trojan Horses Reviewed by Gaint Hackers on 20:47 Rating: 5

1 comment:

  1. Been using AVG protection for a few years, I'd recommend this product to everyone.


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