How To Add Google Plus Comments System To Any Website Or Blog


Friends, After a long time. I m come back with some useful tricks and information. This is my first post after 3-4  month. Sorry for my delay because I have my problems . That’s doesn’t matter. Friends, Now I share a simple method to add  Google Plus comment system to any website or webpage you like to install. This is very simple to install you just copy some codes below and paste it on where you where you want to show comment system. Google is a big network. Also It has a standard. Google’s comment system is effective. because it connected with social network Google plus. Also it host Comments for each page. If you want to install this to your Blog or website just follow instruction. Enjoy with me…

How To Add Google Plus Comments System To Any Website (Internet Explora)



Copy  below code and paste where you want to see comment box..



<script src=""></script>

<div id="comments"></div>

<script> gapi.comments.render('comments', {

href: window.location, width: '624',

first_party_property: 'BLOGGER',

view_type: 'FILTERED_POSTMOD' });




You can change RED color to adjust width. 



Leave a comment below………With your Google account..

How To Add Google Plus Comments System To Any Website Or Blog How To Add Google Plus Comments System To Any Website Or Blog Reviewed by Gaint Hackers on 07:14 Rating: 5

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