
SUMMON MASTERS is a game for android, category of game Role Playing created by BiCORE, with new update in version 1.03. It's very amazing and easy to play. Summon Masters is a new role playing game for the Android platforms. The game has plenty of features associated with card-battling games, such as character collecting, a nearly unlimited number of characters that you can collect, all different rarities from common to uncommon, and the ability to evolve both your weapons and your characters.

- Live Strategies! Exciting Action!
- Variety of Units and Skills!
- With Your Unique Battalion,
- Great on smartphones and tablets!
- Make Up The Best Combination of Battalion with A Variety of Units
- Real-time Battle Full of Various Skills
- Unit and Weapon Upgrade System
- Go Together with Your Alliances and other Users

Requires Android: 2.2+
Link Download: (SUMMON MASTERS 1.03 APK - 9,2MB)
SUMMON MASTERS 1.03 APK SUMMON MASTERS 1.03 APK Reviewed by Gaint Hackers on 08:50 Rating: 5

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