Moves 1.5.3 APK


Moves is a app for android, category of app Health & Fitness created by ProtoGeo, with new update in version 1.5.3. It is great and easy to use. Moves automatically tracks your everyday life and exercise. Just carry your phone in your pocket or bag.

Moves Features:
- Automatic Tracking: Records daily walking, cycling and running.
- Storyline: Visualizes your day in an easy-to-read timeline.
- Places: Recognizes places in your daily life.
- Routes on map: See the paths you took.
- Pedometer: Counts your steps, so you can set simple goals.
- Connected Apps catalog: Use your Moves data with other apps.

What's new in version 1.5.3:
- Account/data deletion 
- Flights recognition (even when the phone is off!)

Requires Android: 4.0+
Link Download: (Moves 1.5.3 APK - 2,6MB)
Moves 1.5.3 APK Moves 1.5.3 APK Reviewed by Gaint Hackers on 03:06 Rating: 5

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