Flappy Bird APK New Android Game


About  Flappy Bird APK Free Android Game

Flappy Bird now is one of the most popular Android games. this new game for Android Flappy Bird  is unpleasant and very addictive game and is popular at Google games market and other games markets as apple . It makes you want to throw your phone and smash it to pieces! Very unconventional game . Developers of Flappy bird still Flappy Bird released for Apple, iOS and Android OS. Nevertheless , until it comes to clone Flappy Bird is now available for download via the Windows Phone store.

Flappy Bird APK New Android Game
Flappy Bird APK New Android Game
The developers of  Flappy Bird game are very clever people , they made an android game that will want people to keep going and get a high score , this android game really makes the brain more thinks though the concept sounds easy win when you play , it gets very crazy and sometimes you could to get high temperament .
Flap your wings to fly !!!

How to play Flappy Bird Android Game :

- Click to flap their wings to fly.
- Try to Avoid pipe.
- You will try to get 4 medals as the level you can get .

Requires   Android  2.1 and up
developer  Mobile Art  

 Flappy Bird for android Google Market Games link

 Flappy Bird APK Android Game download link

Flappy Bird APK New Android Game Flappy Bird APK New Android Game Reviewed by Gaint Hackers on 14:20 Rating: 5

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