How To Add Open With Option To All Files In Windows


Friend. This post for only Windows users. When we open some files like video, MP3 etc with right click, Then shows an option “Open With”. It help to choose a comfortable program to view or play a  file. But some file not shown that option when we open with right click. Files open by default program. We cant find “open with” option in some rare files.  How to activate “Open With” option in all file in windows. Now i share a simple trick to activate “Open With” in all file. You can make it also. You just need to edit registry. Follow this post.. If you want to enable this option. First of all. Please keep follow. If any error  in your editing, that make your computer become damage.

How To Add Open With Option To All Files In Window (Internet Explora)


Keep Follow Below Steps


  • Now go to C:\Windows and select and run “regedit”


  • Now go to “HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT” and select sub folder “ * ” again go to sub folder “shell”

Go to HKEY CLASSES ROOT and select sub folder  again go to sub folder shell   (Internet Explora).


  • Right click on Shell then select new –> key


  • Create a new key named it as “OpenWith” and set the default of the key to“Op&en With…”.


  • Add another key by right clicking on “OpenWith” key and then select New. Named the new key as “Command”


  • Now set the default of newly created key (Command key) to “C:\Windows\rundll32.exe shell32.dll,OpenAs_RunDLL %1″. (Here c:/ is the drive letter where you have installed your operating system).


  • Now you can open every file with this “Open With” option.


  • Done.



Leave a comment below… if you have any problem with registry editing….

How To Add Open With Option To All Files In Windows How To Add Open With Option To All Files In Windows Reviewed by Gaint Hackers on 10:21 Rating: 5

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