How To Select All friends On Facebook Page Invitation With One Click


We know how to invite a page to your friends. Sometime we are trouble to invite a page to all friends from list . Then we select all friends in list one bye one . It reduce our free time. Now i publish a new Chrome Extensions, It help to add all friends in your invitation list on Facebook page.

  • Install “Facebook Add All friends to Invite” extension in Chrome

You can install directly and immediately in automatic process clicking the button:

  • Go to Facebook and enter the page you want to invite someone, click the “Invite friends” button there

  • When the list of friends comes up, scroll down to bottom of the list so all friends are properly loaded into the box.

  • Then click the green “Add” button in your toolbar in Chrome and all friends are selected even if thousands!

  • Send out the invitation!

           If above link is not working copy the below code and bookmark it. Click on that bookmark.

javascript:function check_all_in_document(doc){var c=new Array();c=doc.getElementsByTagName('input');for(var i=0;i<c.length;i++){if(c[i].type=='checkbox'){c[i].click();}}}check_all_in_document(window.document);for(var j=0;j<window.frames.length;j++){check_all_in_document(window.frames[j].document);}

Its working…………………. Enjoy………….
How To Select All friends On Facebook Page Invitation With One Click How To Select All friends On Facebook Page Invitation With One Click Reviewed by Gaint Hackers on 06:11 Rating: 5

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